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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 4 - 13/04/20

Welcome to week 4!

We are so proud of you all, your motivation with your home learning and sharing it with us via email - thank you!  You really have no idea how much this has made us all smile.  Keep up the super work!

We're continuing to set work on Mathletics and TTRS. Please try to keep up with this.  There are new Mathletics activities set each Monday and we've also set Battle of the Bands!  Don't forget you should be completing a Soundcheck every fortnight too! We are logging on and seeing how you're all doing!  Please also see the White Rose home learning daily maths sessions. 

Please also have a look at these live maths lessons KS2 is on a Wednesday morning at 10 am

Please find attached link sent out by school on Twitter. It's a book explaining what this virus is all about and why we're not all together and why we're not able to visit friends and family.  It is obviously completely up to you as to whether you choose to share it with your family.  It does explaining things in a way they may understand.

Accelerated Reader is able to be accessed using the following link:

Your child will need to select 'I am a student' and enter their details as they would at school, we look forward to seeing which books they have been enjoying.  Try to read one book a week at least and do a quiz on it, keep those word counts rising!

We have been sent some information regarding the Perrywood website to include nature based activity ideas that can be done with limited resources. See details at .

There are also got some useful information on the Gardening Tips page including how to take cuttings, make paper pots and growing tomatoes from pips -

More importantly, enjoy Easter together.  Find the time to relax and make memories as a family together.

Take care, you are all in our prayers as always.  

Best wishes

Miss Hamilton, Mrs Jackson,  Mrs Harris and Mrs LeMoel