Rights Respecting school
At St Edmunds Catholic Primary School we are proud to be a Gold Rights Respecting School. You can read our UNICEF accreditation report in the document below.
Why be a Rights Respecting School?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is based on what children need to thrive. The Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.
So, what are Children’s Rights?
Children’s Rights are different to Human Rights as they are specific to children. Most countries have agreed to them and they form the basis of all Government laws that affect children. The Rights are for All children, everywhere all of the time. Children are automatically entitled to them when they are Born. These rights Cannot be taken away, Do not have to be earned and are all Equally important. This is the ABCDE of Children’s Rights!
The Pocket Book of Children’s Rights details all the Rights in the UNCRC.
At St Edmunds we are fully committed to these Rights and they are at the heart of everything that we do.
What does this mean?
We teach children about their Rights so that they are informed. Classrooms operate on a mutual respect of Children’s Rights and each class develops a Class Charter every September which is agreed to by all children and adults. The school council have also worked together to develop a playground charter.

We think it is important that our children develop a wider world view, a deeper understanding of community and of how life can be experienced differently, both locally and globally. We want our children to be well equipped to play active lives in the world around them as they grow, learn and evolve into the next generation of adults.
What do we do?
Whole school, Key stage and class assemblies may be linked specifically to Rights. Rights will also be explored though topics covered in the curriculum. Early years and key stage one children have the opportunity to take home Ricky Rights, our school rights mascot. Children and parents join together to explore rights and complete a diary entry. The children love to share their adventures with Ricky with their class.
Fundraising events such as Lent and Harvest are linked to the convention.
The school council meet regularly to discuss whole school issues which are often linked closely to rights.