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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

  • Ambitious
  • Confident
  • Inquisitive
  • Collaborative
  • Resilient
  • Respectful
  • Motivated
  • Independent
  • Resourceful
  • Faithful

Week 6

Hello children,,

Here we are in week 6! I have really enjoyed seeing your learning, gardening, science experiments, baking and arty creations – they really do remind us that ‘We are Learning together in Gods Love’.  Please do carry on sending them in on

I am incredibly proud of everything you are doing and I miss you all terribly.

Please remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website for lessons and activities and you can access this on the red button on the TV too. Do not forget to go on TTRS, Mathletics, Spelling Shed and Accelerated Reader Quizzes.  I am checking this each week and can see who has been moving their learning forward. Well done to those children! I am super proud.

This week the focus is on being positive as the Government announces another 3 weeks in lock-down.  The ‘Complements Tree’ is a lovely way for everyone in the family to join in and let each other know how much we are all valued.  The Coping Skills Wheel is just a few tips and strategies to use when we are not finding things easy, again useful for the whole family.

Classic FM have released free music lessons for lock down home learning. I've attached the link so you can have a listen.

Finally, do look after each other and stay safe.


Mrs Soar x